
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 32 (Josh): Filming Ultrakids 4

Today, a couple Mosaic members and I spent the entire afternoon filming several scenes of Ultrakids 4. Everyone did a great job, well-acted, and the footage looks great!
Anyways, I did my best during the filming session to encourage the kids and give them the thumbs up, even though I was kinda tired. But I hope everyone had a good time, and can't wait to finish this movie!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 29 - 31: Almost done!

Dang, it's felt like a marathon so far.

Day 29: Walked the dog for my brother, who was at b-ball practice.

Day 30: Chatted with my best friend from kindergarten to catch up on stuff. He moved to a different church when I was 9, but we still keep contact after...8+ years!

Day 31: Mosaic tonight, and gonna do some filming. One of my biggest motivations for doing this movie project was the team building experience for the group, and I really think it's going to strengthen the Mosaic fellowship...btw, we've been talking for several months about changing the name. Something that depicts a safe haven or something...I dunno.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 25 - 29 (timmy) Getting kinda lazy...

Day 25: Went outside to play catch with my brother. I meant to play with a football, but my dad drove off with the football in the car. (If you ask my brother, I hate playing with a baseball) I could've easily decided to just go inside and leave him outside.

Day 26:Well, it was my birthday and I got a bunch of notifications of people saying "Happy Birthday" to me on Facebook. I spent the time to thank each and every one of them, commenting under their posts. I typed all of them individually, no "copying and pasting"

Day 27: Getting big!
went to work out with a friend today, but I didn't really know what to do. So I waited for him to finish his workout so he could show me and tell me what to do. He ended up drinking 1/2 my gatorade (which I paid for) and made me walk to the locker room and back just to get his deodorant cause he didn't wanna stink.

Day 28: Paid for my own lunch. There was no bread in the house for making sandwiches --> so I decided to buy lunch with my own money.

Day 29: These sophomores in my Alg II class are selling sour patches for a fundraiser for something. So like 4 of them asked me to buy their candy. I only had one dollar in my wallet, but I bought it anyway emptying out my wallet.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 24 - 28 (Josh): Uh-oh

I hope I don't fail this 35 days of love thing when the finish line is so close...

Day 24: Showed part of Ultrakids 4 to some actors, hope they enjoyed what they saw and were encouraged.

Day 25: Played Capture the Flag with friends, enjoyed each other's company.

Day 26: Worshipped God, shared food with siblings.

Day 27: Fail?

Day 28: Sent an email to an old friend asking how he was doing.