
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 16 - 18 (Josh): Crazy weekend!

Day 16: In class, I volunteered to lead one of the small groups in the activity when no one else really wanted to.

Day 17: Mosaic! We shot scene 3 of Ultrakids 4. During filming sessions, I try to make sure everyone is involved while trying to retain order and getting good footage results. People seemed to enjoy themselves during the first film shoot, and we had some pretty funny outtakes.

Day 18: I am literally half-dead from the most intense filming session IN MY LIFE. For five and a half hours (12:00 - 5:30pm) we filmed the two most complex scenes of Ultrakids 4. Two battle scenes. Filmed back to back. It woulda been hard enough trying to film one, but I thought to myself 'Hey, we is gunna be out there anyways so we might as well do the other scene.'
Those almost qualified as my famous last words.
I cannot thank everyone who participated enough, whether you acted, supervised, filmed, got the cast food, waited three hours, did twenty takes of one shot, etc. Everyone just worked so incredibly hard, and I am just so incredibly thankful the opportunity to make this movie. Praise God!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 16 (Timmy) Paying for Lunch

Today there was no school and my parents decided to go to the freehold mall to get lunch. I wanted taco bell and so did my brother and dad. So my dad was about to give me money, when I said never mind. So I paid for their lunch at taco bell.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 15 (Timmy): Computer Sharing

Currently, I am posting this from my phone through text message so hopefully it works!
I shared a computer with a friend who seemed to be having trouble with his flash drive at school. I was finished and let him use my computer and login to get on and access his documents.

Day 15 (Josh): Letting my brother drain my battery

Okay, so similar to Day 13, I let my brother use my iPod for a good deal of time today. He brought it with him when he went to get a haircut, and he used it for a while in the morning. My score on StickWars must be pretty high by now.
Being honest here: letting people use my iPod is a last resort if I haven't or can't remember anything I've done that I would consider a worthy act of love toward someone else. I'm going to try to do different acts of love other than this one from now on.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

(Timmy) VIDEO ON!

Part 1 or click here

Part 2 or click here


Day 14 (Timmy): Benching myself & Doin Work! (All of it)

In my flag football class, there was a sub.

Lazy substitute teacher + Gym class + 21 guys + football field outside - other teachers = Chaos and Maddness!

So today, I didn't really get a chance to play. I sacrificed my spot to a sophomore and let him play a majority of the game while, I sat on the side just throwing a football at a fence. (I was the only one not playing, but I did get a little playing time)

In physics it was LAB DAY!! Wooo! (not really) I ended up getting paired with 2 really lazy lab partners who do minimal to NO work. So, I was nice enough to do all the work and maybe we..wait (*coughs*).. I will end up with a A! just kidding. WE will get an A!


Day 14 (Josh): Chocolate Oatmeal

"What do we have for breakfast?" I asked my mom.
"You can make oatmeal," she said.
"Is there anymore apple cinnamon?"
"We just used the last one."
I had plain oatmeal with about half a pound of brown sugar and a beehive of chocolate chips. Then I helped my brother make some chocolate oatmeal as well.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 12 and 13: iPod Rentals and My Precious Book

Yesterday, I saw a lot of people and a lot of them wanted to play my iPod. Being so generous, I said, "Sure, for only 99 cents an hour." No, not really.
But thinking back on it, an iPod...well, it's not a cheap thing like one of those Burger King toys. It's pretty useful, and I do use it alot. The point I'm trying to make is, don't put heavy emphasis on material stuff. I'd take all the risks of getting it broken or dropped just so I could spread some of God's love to my friends by letting them enjoy my material possessions.

Anyways, today I officially gave my book to Timmy. The Blueprint by Jaeson Ma, which I got from the 1040 screening. He had asked for it last week already. I gave it to him yesterday, and then video chatted with him today.
He showed me the book. There was about a million post-it notes stuck in it and highlights all over the pages.
"Keep the book," I told him. "My act of love for today."
He kept the book.

Day 13 (Timmy) Keeping quiet, passing my calculator, Sharing some "amor"

In my Honors algebra 2 class, a freshmen criticized my level of smarts. (Class is 3 freshmen, 2 juniors and 17 sophomores) Why, you may ask?.. well, we were doin some work, so I turned around to ask my friend a question. (which I guess so some people was a stupid one) Out of NOWHERE he just blasts out at me? normally he never speaks?

"How can you not be able to do this? I've been able to do this since the second grade! Do you even belong in this class?!" - Him
"Whoa dude.. Chill, its math?" (I respond)
He then tells me he's sorry and I will one day own a successful Chinese restaurant. (Which kinda insults me more making him not sorry?) So after that I just turned around and continued my work.

After this I could've insulted him many times back. Considering my age difference, and.... never mind, I'm not gonna insult him on this blog. (BAD THING TO DO!)

We also continued to pass around my calculator, for some reason? But I gladly gave it and just let everyone use it!

And I shared with a few friends about the spanish test I took earlier. (Gave them the info as to whats on the test) Meanwhile, I tell them everything but NEVER receive anything back.


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 10, 11, & 12: Mosaic meeting, Trick or treating

A dude in my Math class asked me if he could borrow my calculator, while I still needed it for my work, but I gave it to him anyway. Well, we had a mosaic meeting, and I made some announcements, and I voluntarily played the guitar.

I washed my own dish after eating my lunch. I went with my dad to BOB's store so he wouldn't be alone.

I let the adults rest and I took 5 boys out into the frigid cold to go trick or treating, (I didn't get ANY candy)

Kinda a FAIL weekend?