
Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 3 (Timmy) Inviting Mad people! Traded to another team!

Well, today was interesting. Lately, I've been just asking God for opportunities to fulfill, and just do it, while later recalling it and saying to myself "wow, I guess I could just put this on the blog." So here I am typing this now.

Today, I was caught up in busy planning, inviting people to a "planned act of love" that you will hear about in tomorrow's post. So here I am on Facebook, day and night, responding to people and asking them, and just praying to God that they will come. I invited about 5 extra people and God as had about 2 respond, Good enough. He also helped provide a back-up in case I run outta money. (PRAISE GOD!)

Well, on the other hand, I take a flag football class at school (Yea its maddd fun!) and today my team of 6 was playing a team of 4. As a result, I was forced to go to the other team. I decided that I would prove my team wrong and play my but out. I didn't help the other team to win, but I did play hard enough to get the tie. (Good Enough) It was hard cause it was like I was playing myself. In the end, I said sorry because my touchdown kinda cost them the game. The score would've been 3-2 and they would've won. My bad! But at least I attempted to try, and help the other team. Although none of them were my friends, and they decided to not pass the ball to me :( They thought I would drop it purposely. But I played hard on defense, and they weren't mad at me at the end of the game, rather they were mad at the rest of my team.

Probably the Longest post ever

Day 3 (Josh): Happy Birthday!

Wrote a birthday card to my mom today. I used my trademark cartoon characters that I made up when I was 9. I haven't given it to her yet, but I'll update this post when I do!

UPDATE: She loves it!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 2 (Timmy): Failure?

Well Today was interesting?...

There wasn't much going on but I did get my braces off on the top part of my mouth, and I always thought about god and prayed that everything would be ok? And I remembered him as my teeth was sensitive and in pain as they put the spit sucker in my mouth. Also, I prayed as they made a mold of my teeth and I was close to gagging and vomiting there. (That would've been gross!)

There wasn't really anything that came in mind as I was "attempting to do things today."

but, in my physics class, as you guys recall, my friend didn't offer me to pay be back that 1 dollar, and so far I'm not gonna beg for that dollar back. So Im kinda loving him by not receiving his money.

I kinda failed for day 2?... Sorta? depends how you look at it? Instead of loving others, I kinda loved god and remembered him through the day and constantly prayed? (does that count) well I didn't beat Josh today, sorry Lord, and everyone. Since I failed Im gonna make up this day and do an extra day in the end...

I Failed :(

Day 2 (Josh): Babysitting

Today I babysat lil' Aaron and Colin. It was, technically, the first time I've officially babysat anyone. I wasn't nervous about it because of my many years of previous experience. What I was nervous about was biking there. My sense of direction isn't that great; I got lost in an elevator once (no, jk). And with all the cars driving besides me at 50 mph...
But I got there and back alive. It was fun hanging out with Aaron. He told me he wanted to become a dad, a police officer, and a secret agent when he grew up. "Well, I used to be a secret agent," I told him modestly. "You want me to train you?"
He nodded.
"Well, first you gotta have your secret agent name. Mine is Pickle Pizza Man. What's yours?" I asked.
Aaron thought for a second. Then he said, "Zachary."
Zach is my younger brother.
After we went on a top secret mission, we played with trains and puzzles. Then I left.
So yeah, Day 2 of 35! Now let's see what Timmy got...


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 1 (Josh): A Whole New World

If any of you think Timmy had to remind on FB to do the 35 days of love, I had already done mine and was gonna post it ASAP!
So some of you know Abby and I play the piano. Well Abby takes piano lessons and I kinda bang on the piano after her. Needless to say, I sound pretty good. I mean, we're both trying to play 'Wedding Dress' by Taeyang and I'm playing it nice and smooth while Abby...well, it kinda sounds like she's using a hammer to hit the keys (no offense sis. I'm just joking. A little. Kinda. Maybe. Not.).
ANYWAYS. So I was practicing the intro to 'Wedding Dress' when Abby comes up and slaps me with her piano book. After I recover, she looks at me and says "Photocopy the notes for 'A Whole New World' for me."That can kinda tell you what kind of relationship my sister and I have. She expects me to photocopy notes for her from the same book that she slaps me with two seconds before.
Lucky for her, I'm doing this 35 days of love with Timmy and I said, "Sure my lovely sister." I went and made that photocopy for her in the office, then came back down and handed it to her. She had stolen my seat and was now practicing the piano.
So yeah, my first day of love wasn't nothing big, just photocopying a song sheet for my sister. But you know, God uses small things for his big purposes and I genuinely love my sister even though she bugs me sometimes. We're tight. Right sis?
Okay, c u tomorrow.

In Christ,

Day 1 (Timmy): This is gonna be a long 35 days!...

Ok, so today was the first day of this experiment. This morning I woke up and totally forgot about this thing, until I got onto the school bus and remembered....

There were a few things that happened through the day that I could've done. I worried that nothing was gonna come up and I would fail only on Day that would stink.

now onto what I did.
  1. To begin my day, a "friend" (not really) asked me for a pen. This "friend" made fun of me my freshmen year for his enjoyment and always I would shrug it off. But, without even thinking about "35 days of love" I happily offered him a pen, which I knew I would never see again, and still haven't.
  2. On the day before, (Yesterday, before even talking about this idea with Josh) a friend (this time a real friend) asked me for a dollar to purchase a lollipop. I easily offered him a dollar, but most of the time I am hesitant over handing out money. I think God was previewing the experiment on the day before? Strange?... well back to the story, today he offered to pay me back, but he only had a 5, which i didn't have change for. So I said he could keep the dollar, didn't really care for it.
Well thats day 1. Hope you guys can read this and continue to read this blog and follow me in my quest to "35 Days of Love" Maybe if i do something thats planned, i will film it or take pictures and post it for you guys.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010





Whats up y'all? Sorry but, Mosaic is canceled for this Friday, October 22. Our next meeting will be on October 29. (Week After) Have a good week. We got good stuff to plan.

Anyway follow us on this blog as we will be doing a thing called "35 days of love." Each day for 35 days we will be documenting something we did of love each day and showing you guys that it isn't that hard.

-Timmy AKA the better small group leader!