
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 2 (Timmy): Failure?

Well Today was interesting?...

There wasn't much going on but I did get my braces off on the top part of my mouth, and I always thought about god and prayed that everything would be ok? And I remembered him as my teeth was sensitive and in pain as they put the spit sucker in my mouth. Also, I prayed as they made a mold of my teeth and I was close to gagging and vomiting there. (That would've been gross!)

There wasn't really anything that came in mind as I was "attempting to do things today."

but, in my physics class, as you guys recall, my friend didn't offer me to pay be back that 1 dollar, and so far I'm not gonna beg for that dollar back. So Im kinda loving him by not receiving his money.

I kinda failed for day 2?... Sorta? depends how you look at it? Instead of loving others, I kinda loved god and remembered him through the day and constantly prayed? (does that count) well I didn't beat Josh today, sorry Lord, and everyone. Since I failed Im gonna make up this day and do an extra day in the end...

I Failed :(

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