
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Extra Day: Mowing Uncle Simon's Lawn

Today Uncle Simon hired me to mow his lawn. He picked me up, lawnmower and all, and I mowed the front.
But when I went to the back, the lawn mower mysteriously wouldn't start up. I tried it  about thirty times, but the same result.
After about twenty minutes, Uncle Simon told me to just forget it. I said I'll try a couple more times.
I called my dad. Twice. He didn't know what to do.
So then I shot a call up to my Heavenly Dad. "This all you, God. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I was able to start the lawn mower before, but now it won't start. Even if I am doing something wrong, just make a miracle and make it right!"
I brought the mower back to the front lawn (my theory: if I was able to start it in the front lawn, maybe I'll be able to do it again). I tried two more times. Nothing.
Then I did it one last time.
And the engine roared to life.
"OH YEAH! NOW WE'RE IN BUSINESS!" I yelled (for real). "Thanks God."
I went back to the backyard and finished the job.

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