
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 21, 22, 23 (Timmy) This is getting kinda hard

Day 21: once again sacrificing my playing time
I've been sacrificing my playing time for my flag football class and playing ONLY defense because I drop the ball too much and wanna let my other teammates play. So lately I've only been playing defense. (AKA the boring part of every sport)

Day 22: Offering my special work, that I spent lots of time on!
The senior next to me in my criminology class isn't doing so good and is kinda lazy. So my teacher went around the class giving people a chance to make up work that they never did. So the senior next to me always asks me for my work. I honestly don't really care because the work is never going to become valuable to me and its just gonna sit in my notebook and locker for the rest of the year --> then Ima throw it out when the school year is over anyway. Sooo, I gave him the work. That spent me about 1 hour to do.

Day 23: Parents not home, cooking, dishes, responsibility
I played only defense in Football class today --> again, but its the second to last day before GYM VOLLEYBALL woooo!!!
My parents weren't home most of the day due to a funeral. So I had to help reheat the dinner my mom made for my siblings. I just finished washing the rest of the dishes left in the sink. Now while my siblings are "trying to sleep" I am downstairs on the computer waiting for my parents to come home, Sacrificing my sleep to let my siblings sleep. Boy am I gonna be tired tomorrow! Good Night!


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