
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 10 and 11 (Josh): Playing with my cousins and Harvest festival

Yesterday Timmy and I made the announcement to the Mosaic members, telling them to join us on the 7 days of love. After Mosaic was over, I spent some time with my cousins, playing taps with a football and having fun.
Today, my fam is going to the Harvest festival, and my act of love is going to be giving all the candy loot I get away to other kids. Haven't done it yet, but I'll post an update when I do.

Btw, here's a 7 days of love rap:

7 days of love
it’s kinda neat
you do one act of love
for every day of the week
me and timmy
we’ve been doing it for 10 days already
our arms are sore and legs like spaghetti
but it don’t matter none
cuz we gotta show the love of God
to everybody we meet
no matter where they’re from
you can follow me and timmy on our blog
jtmosaic dot blogspot dot com
and comment
talk about your act of love today
how you showed god’s love in different ways
you can do something small
like sweep the floor
or you can do something crazy
like sing at a mall
but no matter what you do
all you gotta know is
that god loves you
and you wanna show it
so starting tomorrow, join the 7 days of love
we gonna bring god’s love down to earth from above

UPDATE: So we went to the Harvest festival...but I didn't get any candy. So today, I blew some leaves off my neighbor's yard. It was pretty nerve-wracking because I hoped he wouldn't come home before I was done, but I did it anyways without fear.

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